private ownership

It is autumnal today well even more autumnal than the summer has been already I guess, though I have not put the heating on as yet. I hope I can have another few weeks before I have to, I noticed the electricity bill was a bit high from last month due to the new things in the kitchen I guess a small frezzer which I am have no control over and multi cooker thing which I am slowly getting the hang of.

The cost of utilities has gone up again about 10 percent, they really are just robbing bastards.  Things like electricity should be nationilsed to stop the exotortion really.

I am waiting for shaver to arrive mine broke last weekend it was only cheap and has lasted very little really, I guess you buy cheap you get cheap.

The shaver is here and its ok, it arrived just in time for my birthday which I have celebrated with cream cake. I am not sure where the year go really they are flying by, as are the days weeks and months.

I have been in a meeting this week with a group which is trying to stop a local manor house being sold privately as it will maybe mean there is no access to the paths for the public , the manor house is plass tan y bwlch which is being sold chaeply rreally compared to other things a hundred acres and a monor house in nice spot for 1.2 million which is being sold by the national park I understand the park want shot of it but selling it this cheap is not the way forward anyway there is an extra two months for things to be sorted 

If it stayed in public ownership it is going to take a lot of money to run it, I am not sure what part of the area is or is not for sale but it would be bad news for people not to be allowed to walk those paths around the lake and above that


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