self harm

A young man took his own life last week and his funeral is being held next Friday, I did not know him that well even though he lived in the vlllage and I am not sure what his issues were but he seems to have had long term mental health issuss according to what I can gather.

We all know suicide is not the answer to any problem but it still does not stop people doing for whatever reason, I am sad that this young man was not able to get the help he needed, the sad fact is there will another young person doing the same thing in the not too distaat.

I think the lockdowns imposed by the devolved government have contributed to the issue of mental health problems in our community and I guess the bad management of the health service and the reduction of moe spent on these services.

From what i have read about the subject to suicide the fact that there examples of it in your family can lead it be set as an example to others I don't know enough about the subject for this to be true, I would think that if this were true then extra help to those who have suicide examples in the recent past of families should be given extra help if possible though maybe they may not want it  


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