heart monitor

I had a heart monitor put on yesterday due to palpitations. Its monitor stuck on with sticky pads one on the front and the other on the back. could not sleep with it last night as ti was a nuisance I had to press a button whenever I had sympotoms and it registers on some comuptur it is there to see if the heart is working ok

I will get the result in a weeks time, it not too sure to wear really it would take a lot of time to ger use to it but I can take it off tomorrow thankully it is a bit constricting I suppose 

Maybe if I had something to do today I might not be that bothered about it I suppose.

I was anxious about having it put on as I remember a friend getting one about 20 years ago and it seemed to be wrapped around his body but I guess things change and now they are not quite so intrusive I suppose. I will be glad to get rid of it though.

The weather is not very nice today and it has been ok for the last few days, I guess spring will be here soon enough  Its that horrible fine rain that wets you through that is around today 👀💅


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