Its Monday and its another day of this thing where everything is closed down at least today I had a trip out to do some work in the foodbank to which I took the bus. The foodbank has changed it seems that everyone who wants to can come to the foodbank to get some food I am not sure how that is sustainable but of course we need to feed people who need it but the fact that the foodbank is a charity means the service is finite and it will run out of food quickly. The church doanates the food to the foodbank but it can't keep on giving indefinitely. From what I saw today the foodbank has changed for good it can't go back to way it operated before and it has to be resourced in another way not by donatons from the church only as obviously the population of churches is not big anyway. I am just going to go there and just do my bit realy and let the people who have been running it work it out. I don't have to go for a week now I walked home but that won't be possible if ...