
Showing posts from January, 2019


Another grey day here and another day of feeling under the weather its been over 2 weeks now hope I feel better soon.  It seems its all about brexist today something I did not vote in a couple of years ago as I did not think I knew much about the issue I do now as I have heard nothing else really for over two years. I am getting fed up with the land lord these days they are so rude and nothing is easy with them,  I have no idea who cartrefi cymunedol gwynedd think they are. It would be nice to move on have another tennacy somewhere else

more frustration

I have had a very frustrating day today technology has fucked me around big time and I have not patience really due to still feeling a bit under the weather from the food poisoning I have had now for a couple of weeks which seems to be worse again today. I was tryng to copy a file this morning and the computer was really slow it has not been working well since I got it really but I could not be bothered to send it back as is a load of hastle as most folk know.  It was slow and it wouldn't do what I wanted so I lost patience and its now damaged I have history of losing it with laptops and computers one minute they are ok the next they are not. In the afternoon I had a go at some other problem with a laptop, trying to change the download folder I could not manage that either., now I have been trying to get a new blogging site but no luck there either


Its another grey day weather wise and its actually raining at the moment.  A lot of people don't like this grey weather but me I don't mind it really for one reason and one reason only I have something called photophobia and therefore don't like glare so this weather is ideal for me. I seem to have gone back to my musical routes lately I am listening to more soul music these days which haven't really listened to for ages but its the first genre of music I fell in love with a long time ago namely motown I guess where i was sat on a chair as teeenager and saw an advert for the big wheels of motown and was blown away its funny how some types of music have and effect on different people. listening to the old stuff is a lot easier these days as they are all free on the youtube or some other streaming service.  So I could sit here all day listening to old soul that I haven't heard before and its all free to listen to at a certain quality if you want to improve the qua...