send feedback

It has been an awful day, the wind has been blowing really hard and the rain lashing down it took me three attempts to get out of the this village I got wet on the first two times.  It is good to get out of this place and go down to the coast as the weather can be a little bit better down there and it was I guess though when I came back here it had improved regardless of the what the bus driver said and that it was going to get worse.  It has been dark and bleak all day they are calling in some storm or other though and its a new thing to give these periods of wind and rain names we have always had bouts of wind and rain but they never had a name before I wonder if they will start giving names to sunny periods and calling them drout billy or something like that it really seems odd to me I gues it has come over from America like a lot of these stupid ideas.

I regard a storm as something that incorporates thunder and lighttening so when the word storm is mentioned to me I think we are going to have thunder and lightnening well that's how I was brought up anyway.

The send feedback tab on the right on the blog page is really annoying for a lot of reasons I have tried to get help to remove it but have been unsuccesful there are some comments regarding how to do it but they don't work or I can't get them to work anyway, I guess there must be other who have the same issue. I guess that's life there are also others in the world who have the same worries as you might have but it feels at the time that you are the only one going through the ordeal which of course it not true we are human and have the same feelings and can react to things in the same way its life I guess


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