
The weather is a lot better today than it was yesterday anyway it was vile it rained all day its dry today, if a bit cloudy it gets on my nerves when everywhere else seems to be getting a good weather while over 7 inches of rain has fallen here in the last week.  There is nothing I can do about the weather except moan like I am doing now or go somewhere else I guess.

I am suppose to be playing some music with a few friends in this all day charity gig tomorrow, there have been a few problems getting sorted as folk can't make it or just have been a bit non plused about it all   Its not easy standing in front of folk playing music though its a bit easier now than it was and its easier if there are other people there with you so you can get lost in the crowd so t speak.  I think its a 60s do I am not sure if the folk will be dressed up or not I guess I will have to wait and find out I will not be making that effort anyway.

The summer is nearly gone it has been nice for most of it for a change but days like yesterday are really depressing indeed I guess it has gone now until the next one which will not be too long in coming as they are very common round here.  The weather brings the damp out in the house and the place becomes cold and damp feeling and is nasty to live in a dehumidifier helps a bit I guess but the damp destroys everything I am not going to paint the place again only if really necessary as the paint peels off due to the damp.   It takes so long to get any response form the landlord who usually puts it down to condensation it might have some baring but I doubt it causes it all.


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