
Showing posts from May, 2017


Its another bank holiday weekend, I am not keen on these holidays though they are good for folk to get time off I guess.  I have just discovered that my mic I ordered off ebay has arrived.  I was walking back to the living room when I looked through the window of the door and I could see there might be something attached to the door handle I opened the door and there was the mic shoved into the door handle. I don't think it came today as its too early for the post these days so it must have been there since yesterday. I guess no one has been past my front door since yesterday then as I am sure they would have told me. I have tested the mic out and it seems to be working fine it has not got damaged getting here.  These SM58 Shure mics are quite tough I think. Now the singer with gang I practise with has a mic to use.   These mics are the ones that most singers use to sing live with. Its a shame but the weather is not as great today as it was yesterday it has raine...

nearly the end of may

Well they are still going on about the incident the other day ther is not a lot ele on the telly at the moement. Well I have been having issues with the computer again.  It seems it is something to do with an usb cable everything else stops working when I plug it in.  I will give the computer a rest and maybe it will kick into action again soon enough.  


Hard to understand why someone would want to kill his own people.  This person who murdered the folk in Manchester was from Manchester.  It just makes the whole act even more senseless really.  What happend was mankind at its most evil, hard to understand how someone so young could be so evil but I guess evil is not an age thing as yonger people than this person have murdered in the past. I think that a few people I know were in that arena a couple of weeks ago watching some Bob Dylan concert so I guess this person chose last night as they know it would be full of young people. I have had some discomfort most of the day but not the really bad pains of a few weeks ago.  I am hopefuly on the right track


I have been having trouble with my broadband today, its been a bit unsteady for a while well since I have had this fast one really the other one I had worked better to be honest. I rang BT about the problem and they have changed the settings now, I get the impression the speed will be slower now but steadier.  To be honest I could never noiice the difference between the two types of broadband in relation to speed.  Well I just hope the thing is steady now and does not keep on dropping out its a real ordeal trying to sort out the settings and thing by taking instruction over the phone.   I was lucky this time the person who was helping was very patient.  She really took her time to explain things and did not mind repeating them, I nearly asked her for her phone number


I was watching a tv programme this morning and there was an issue on it regarding giving ECT to children.  This was happening in the United States. this technique was used for a long time I am not sure if it still is used, on people with depression.  I know it has the effect of damaging the memory. I was in this mental health unit a few years ago and there was a room with the letters ECT on it.  It has to be barbaric to give someone electric shock.  In America they give it poor kids who are born autistic.These poor children do not a have voice, I am sure there are other methods more than one way to skin a cat so to speak.  This treatement is being dished out and there is not research into what damage it can cause to people who are autistic, it may help shor term but what is the longterm consequence of such action.  The old doctors handing out these shocks will not be around to take the consequences.


Today I decided to take the train to Llandudno.  The train is a lot more comfortable than the bus its possible to read or go to the loo on the train and if you want you can have a nap as the seats are a bit more comfortable. It was quite busy in Llandudno which it is most of the time I guess full o tourists. I mouched around for a couple of hours then came back on the bus  I still haven't received the letter to and see the doctor though I have not been in pain today well not there anyway only my tooth which is coming out soon


Well the change over to the new fridge went smoothly today.  The lady who wanted the old one for the guide hut came to get it and the new one was delivered an hour or so later and is now in place.  It is a bit narrower than the one I had before but it will do fine and it has a couple of years guarantee. I am now just waiting for the payment to me taken from my account as well as the utility payment, there will be a big hole in the account at the end of the week but the fridge needed changing as there was a problem with the door


I decided to hop ont the bus to Caernarfon today, the place where you get a warning when you buy chips to beware of the seagulls, as they will try to prize them off you and if they can't  they will brazenly hang around until you throw them one just to get rid of them, they are really pest, just like rats I guess but a bit more brave Seagulls can obviously be very dangerous when it comes to children as the could take an eye out, I wear glasses so I guess I doubt that will happen to me.  There is not a lot in Caernarfon these days a few supermarkets and some other shops but its a change from round here I guess and the weather might be better than it is here. I decided to come and write ssoemthing here as I was watching the tedious local news banging about some long term school caretaker in south wales retireing or something like that.  


Well weather wise its not very nice today.  I am trying out this new wireless keyboard today, I bought it cheap on ebay and boy it is cheap too.  I am having diffictulty reaching the delete key on it it is so small.   I bought it to help with recording as its wireless, this will allow me to press record on the lap top from a remote distance like the next room save me going backwards and forwards. As for the gig on saturday night it was interesting.  A couple of people I know where there and gave me some interesting feedback in regards to my guitar playing and what role I should play in the group.  From the feedback I gather there is not much point me playing the same thing as the other guitar person in the band so I need to play somethijg different as all it does is drown out the other musicians and there is no definition there in the end it can sound samey I guess.  If I am going to just play the same thing as the other guitar player there is not much p0...


Well only two days to go until we play at the pub in Pont y Pant, I am not all that comfortable with playing in front of people even though I have been playing the guitar down the local pub on a Wednesday evening for a while now.  The thing about that is, that there aren't that many people there so its no biggy ane also they don't pay us.  Down the pub is just a casual thing this is a paid gig thing and therefore a bit more serious.  I guess I will have to see how I feel about the whole thing on Saturday and if I am up to it. I feel that last night's rehersal was quite good and it goes that smoothly I feel saturday will be ok really.  I guess it all depends on how this pain I have is on the day.

the dentist

About 8 months ago I went to the dentist and he decided on inspection that I neeed a filling, I guess he was the expert so away we went, I hate dentists at the best of times, I don't like that instrusive proding around in my mouth but I guess its a necessary evil, if I am gong to have fairly healthy teeth.  I am, not keen on having false teeth either I am too vain I think for that though I do have friends who have them.   Anyway I got the filling and it seemed a really big one a big lump of somethng in my mouth well ont he bottom right hand side anyway. I paid the bill went home anyway.  I forgot about this filling but a few weeks late it began to hurt and it went on hurting now and then for couple o months. I decided to go back to the dentist and ask if he could do somethng.  Now this dentist talks really fast and I could not understand him really I went home again without having done nothng the pain did not go away. I saw this dentist again after 6 months told hi...