
Well it seems, like we have had a whole month of wind and rain and darkness recently, though its not cold I guess, and I am saving a lot of money by not having a the heating system on.  It is xmas time coming up and its probably the worst time of year for me really as I find the whole thing a big inconvenience and a waste of time and money too to be honest.

My tinnitus has been quite bad this week or so, its probably my own fault to some extent, there were a story in paper about a man who committed suicide due to being told that there was no cure for the condition, well I think that people commit suicide due to an accumilaton of things, its rarely just one thing in isolation I think.  My noise in the ears seems to exacerbated due to using the speakers I have, but I still persist in using them, no fool like an old fool.  I think they are making my hearing worse as I seem to be struggling to hear things these days it might be just being tired perhamps I don't know.

Well the course is finished for this year, which I am glad about as I was not getting on too well with the staff and the break wll do everyone some good and I will get a chance to see doctor and sort a few things out hopefully.  I am still trying to make house music, though I am not getting very far, which is a pain in the ass as its stopping moving on to the next step of music production which mixing, but hopefully I will get a chance to do that in college.  I am not that committed to this course but my life suitation makes me think that my options are limited now and that it quite depressing.  I was glad  I did the gig last week though and was grateful to the person for asking me and showing some faith in me I guess, hopefully it will not be the last time we get to do something like that.  It was also nice to hear that a piece of written work I did was appreciated as I had spent a lot of time on it, probably more than I did when I was at university.  I would like to be able to write a bit better.

I bought a couple of books off kindle today one about computer composition it was an ebook and load of crap a waste of 2 quid and the other about sampling and it seems a bit complicated but am sure I can get something out it hopefully kindle has been a great for me, wish it had been around earlier, but I guess I need to be thankful its here now and try to make the most of it,  I have not bought the gadget yet I just use it on here to read the books. or on the phone, which is handy as I can read them on the bus if I want to, so now even I can read on the go where before I needed a certain situation to be able to read something.  I may by a gadget one of these days


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