messing about wih clocks

Tonight is the night they mess around with the clocks again, so it will be dark earlier, according to the clock tomorrow, which is shame really, as its dark enough as it is at this time of year, they should be turning the clock forward really so that we get more light in the evening, but I guess that would mean it would be dark in the morning, and those who get up early might not like that, but there are street lights these days, these old rules need changing.  Apparently it is something to do with Scotland that they 'need' it lighter in the morning, well I wish they would have got their independence and we could be spared this messing around with the clock.  Apparenlty this messing around is bad for some people's health and it has been reported that some people suffer a heart attack.  Well I guess its going to happen so I might aswell just accept it, at least the weather makes stupid things like this a bit more bareable ,it has not been too badk today and its not going to be too bad they say, tomorrow.

I am still messing around on the music course, though I have really bad tinnitus and it causes me a lot grief in relation to doing a music course, as the listening to certain frequencies seem to antagonis the tinnitus,.  I am still trying to get the hang of house music and just basically get to grips with how a track that falls inthe genre of house music, is arranged and what it in includes, these things are not easy to pin down and I feel like I am pissing in the wind, but I guess I wqill plod on a little bit longer.

The other day I decided to change my doctor's practise, the one I was going to before was all full of locums, so there was no knowing when they would be leaving and who would be there in their place, I found the whole thing impersonal to be honest, so I moved to practise where there were doctors who were there all the time, and I thought would probably care more as they weren/t just passing through, I know they mean well, but they are only human and would only react and behave in a non-perminant way.  I also had to repeat myself to these doctors all the time as they were always changing.


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