
It has been a funny old day, I got up to look at the jobs bulletin, and there was a job there that I had applied for before a few weeks ago, so I will give it a go, I have the copy of the appllication form I filled in for that one on here, so I will only have to cut and paste, as when I applied for the job last time I was given and interview. so in theory I should get another interview and this time I will be better prepared you would think as I have been through it before.  The title of the job is a bit different but its basically the same job, there is a high staff turn over there it seems.

After attempting to fill in the application form, I| went for a sauna and swim, the sauna seemed hotter than usual.  I managed to forget my swim shorts at the pool somehow or other, I guess the memory is not what it used to be.  The other week I forgot to take a towel with me to the place.

When I got home I found that the phone is not working right, its nto receiving any calls, which in one way is good I am not getting any cold callers.  When I rang the phone company about the problem ,they advised me to start taking the phone plug apart, I decided against this, as I did not not want to be routing around in  there, I thought this was stupid advice.  It seems going to do this college course has awakened my appetite for learning again, I am not sure why as this music course is tough, but I am glad it has as it gives me something to focus on, learning is very fulfilling.


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