
Showing posts from May, 2014

Middle of May

today is the first really warm day of the year. For some reason the college feels the need to still have the heating on, which in this day and age is not cheap.  I had a bit of a stroll round Hereford this afternoon, there seems to ber a lot nice eating places in that new shopping centre.  I think there is a quiz this evening, so might pass the time with that.  I have to keep the windows closed in my room due to being allergic to some stuff in the air.  It is hard to believe there is only few weeks left, hopefully I will find something to do after, I have read the ESA stuff and I think there is a way round it. The heating has finally been put off, it is a lot quieter in the room now, and therefore I guess I can get more of a night's sleep..


Well I haven't written in this for a while now, I am not sure, maybe as I have been a little bit busier than usual.   I am still struggling with the course and understanding how things fit together in relation to the recording process, hopefully I will grasp a bit more of how it works in the remaining weeks.  Its hard to believe the time is nearly up here, When I started in January 6 months seemed a fairly long time and as someone said, it seemed as I was not going to last the course but the truth is I guess, I had nothing else to do.  It has taken a long time to get settled in really that is probably or maybe due to the fact that I find it hard to adjust to things these days, or we all do as we get older I suppose we get stuck in our ways.  I jsut hope the moment of coming here carries me on to something positive after I leave this place in July. This place is a lot smaller than it was when I was here before, I am not sure what the future holds for this place, goo...


I went down to the Hereford river Carnival today.  I had never been there before, when I was in Hereford last time I don't recall the event being on the calender, it might have been I guess.  It was your typical family day out which you could be at in any part of the country, the only thing that made it stand out I guess was the fact it was near the river wye, and this was part of the carnival.  I had been asked to help with the sound but I was not feeling too good this morning so decided not to go.  The pic is a photo I took while I was there. There was a lot of things going on Hereford today, the were more visitors to new shopping center which is called the old market, and which I remember as being a market, I am not sure when it stopped being a market, but I guess it is still a market but its not selling livestock now, and there is not much bidding going, you just pay the price on the tag these days.  What you buy these days is dead usually too, well...