
Showing posts from April, 2014


You here this tune everywhere these day, I bet the guy is loaded now, its a good groovy tune though, it will keep him in riches for the rest of his life I guess due to royalties, fair play to him, he has worked for it not like our wretched royal family who are just given everything for nothing, this system just leaved a bad taste in your mouth, when everyone is struggling to get buy under this oppressive tory regime which wants to punish the poor in every way it can.  Its time Wales made a move to get away from this wretched Britain shitr, and had a go itself at making a future for itself, I can't see it happening anytime soon though, well not while I am alive anyway, which is a shame, it has been a life time dream to see Wales as an independent country but like a lot of other dreams I have had it will never happen.  I don't think any of my dreams have come true really though some say that they do come true, well maybe they do for some people, who knows.

Cyrff - Cymru Lloegr A Llanrwst --- can dda

I only came across this song this morning, it was being played on Radio Wales which was about Cerys Mathews going on a journey along the A470.  I am sure it was recorded,  the programme I mean.  I remember the Cyrff, but at the time I had some snobby attitude to Welsh music and would refuse or not bother going to watch any Welsh acts, well after hearing this song I now regret going to see them.  I am srue I had plenty of opportunity as these bands were playing round here all the time.  I thin this is a really fun song and would have been great to jump around to live, which will not happen now I guess as the band have long since disbanded, they were together in the late 80's I think, maybe into the 90's.  There was another band which was as big as them on the Welsh pop seen at the time, which called this Anrhrefn. This songs reminds of the 80s style late punk era and is pretty catchy I think.  I think am now a bit more broad minded in relati...

Easter Sunday

Well here we are again, its Sunday, not my any stretch of the imagination, a day I like, they seem to drag on for hours and hours, I guess they have been ok while I have been away, there are things to do there while there is not that much to do here.  I have been listening to the football and reading a bit while also using the twitter to update the pub things.  I could have gone for a walk but I guess I backed myself into a corner by saying I was not well in relation to going for a walk yesterday.


Yesterday I sent a photo to my sister on the Whatsapp thing on my phone, she got it there and then.  If I had wanted to send a photo to anyone years ago, from a distance as I am now, i would hav had to take the photo, get it developed and which might take a week or so, and then I would have had to send it to them, which can take a few days with the post.  Its incredible how things have moved on, things you could do yearsa ago which took ages are now instant. There is no need to wait for someone to tell you abour their experience any more you can be there with them so to speak.  YOu don't have to describe to people what's going on you can send them the pic instantly and write a small descrition, a picture paints a thousand words.  The would can be there with you experiencing what is going on.  I sent a photo of a singer on twitter today, so people could see what was going on here at the college


I have a new phone and read the review before buying it, that the camera was blotchy, well I guess the above pic proves it really, but there are other things that are ok on the phone, so I guess you can't have everything.  Teh pic is suppose to be of a guy called Sean Saye, who was recording in the studio on Monday, with backing drums, recording some old numbers from the 60s.  He was a very good musician, the voice could do with some work but otherwise he was good. I am getting pissed off with the IT lessons here, they tend to want to read everything, which is not a strong point of mine.  I would rather listen to the instructions than read them out, as reading can be a bit laborious