Ronnie Biggs

So Ronnie Biggs, the great train robber has died at the age of 84, that doesn't mean he was a 'great' train robber, the robber was was titled the Great, train robbery.  It doesn't mean he was the best train robbery that had ever been.  He ran away to Brazil to evade being put in prison, but in one way he was in prison, as he could not come back to GB and be with his friends and family. 

I think some people admired him for 'getting away with it'  like I say, I am not sure he did get away with it, I guess he was always looking over his shoulder, and in the end could not handle that, and came back to serve some of his sentence, or maybe all of it.  I think he escaped from prison, that is how he managed to 'get away' with it.  I guess there is something inside most people that is fed up of following the rules and wanting to do something outrageous, kind of break away from the norm, like robbing a train, it seems a quick route to riches, such as robbing a bank, trying to out witt the authorities, its a game that a lot of people try to play in their own way, stealing from work, not paying the tv licence, tax evasion, the list is endless of things like this, the MPs 'fiddling' their expenses, people try to push the boundaries. 

When one is young like Biggs was when he did the crime, you are braver, and a bit more maybe 'stupid' and when there was a gang of them, they were a lot braver. I know someone got hurt in this raid, but no one died.. When these utility companies raise their prices, robbing poor people, older people die, and therefore these are a bader lto than Biggs and his crowd.  I guess it can't have been a bad life he led, he lived till he was 84, I bet he had some stories to tell.  

Robbers have been turned into heroes, over the years, people like Dick Turpin, Robin Hood, in Wales there it Twm Sion Caty, there is even a festival to commemorate him held in his village of birth, but he was a highwayman, and as far as I know he might have shot someone. 


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