mobile phone

I had an appointment at Llandudno hospital today at 3.20, I decided to go on the 12-00 bus, thought I could spend some time in Llandudno, though the weather was awful..  I had a bit of look round the town and then decided about 2.30 to and find a bus. I could not walk to the hospital, I would have got soaked.  I did not know what time there was going to be a bus or even if I was in the right place waiting for it but if it got late I would have got a taxi.  Anyway I waited and waited, no buses came along. then I saw that the bus company I had come with had a bus at about 3 which would be just in time for my appointment.  

Anyway, at about just before 3, the my mobile phone went, and it was the hosptal saying the doctor was not coming to the hospital, as he was stuck in a tunnel which was flooded out between Llandudno and Bangor. I was told the clinic would be on again in a couple of weeks. I was glad I had the mobile phone as I was now able to get the 3 o clock bus home, otherwise I would have gone to the hospital and been told there and I would have had to get the next bus home, I was also by catching the 3 o'clock bus able to get out of the damned wind and rain. I thought something might happen as the weather was so bad.  I will have to go back now in a couple of weeks and see what they say.


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