
I have this vile tinnitus thing going on, I got a letter for an appointment to have some scan next week, regarding, it, not sure if they can do much, so here's hoping.  They originally sent me an appointment for twenty to 8 in the evening, well I could have got there but there was no way I would be getting back, as the hospital is 40 miles away and there is no bus back here at that time of night.  They did manage to change it for me which is good and can now go next Monday, in the day time.

I also took my guitar to be fixed today, the machine head has come off somehow or other, I think it might have been due to the fact that I might have forced it into to the new case which I bought the other day.  Anyway I can't find the screws that have come out so I have taken the guitar to a shop in Bangor which apparently fixes them, there is also a problem with a noisy B sting, there is a tinny ring going on with it, hopefully they might sort that out too, whole thing might cost a few quid, and I probably could have done something myself regarding the noise and the machine head, but I don't have the patience, they might see something that needs doing that I haven't, i guess, which of course will cost money.  Anyway I am without the guitar for at least a week it seems, I have another one but its not as good as the one that needs fixing, I am thinking of buying a new one really, I have not bought one for a long time, not sure whether that is a good enough reason to buy another one, and the choice out there is immense, it would be difficult to decide which one I wanted.


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