crappy life

I did something I have never done before today, I have eaten 3 mars bars, I guess that's what happens when you buy 4 of them in one go I suppose, they were a deal in the MrCalls shop.

I went to Porthmadog today to do some shopping the tesco shop was not as busy as it has been due to the holiday makers going home I guess, I guess school is starting next week.

I have just got a call from someone asking me if I wanted to go for a walk tomorrow, but I am already booked to do the washing up, I guess that's life, many a sunday I have sat here bored and maybe would have like to go for a walk but nothing happening, where now that I have got something to do or, I have promised to do something, the phone goes and and i get asked to do something, sod's law is what you call or its just how crappy life works I guess, its a fucking pain sometimes


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