
Showing posts from February, 2021


  Well the weather is better even if I am not. I feel a bit rough today again I am not sure what the problem is to be honest I shall see how it goes. I will go for a walk to see if things improve I am sleeping ok and eating so maybe that is ok. I seem to be getting into continuous discussions these days about whether Wales/Cymru should be an independent country its a big move I guess but I have always wanted to live in country which its open people runs.  I am Welsh not through choice but through birth really so I don't have to just be Welsh but i have seen that Wales gets short changed a lot recently but maybe I have been short changed by every one lately due to this pandemic thing. I became aware of being Welsh when I went away to college a lot time ago and was a bit touchy about people having a go at me about it.   The welsh language and culture gets shit in the media but i am not too sure if independence is the answer to that.  Even in an independent Wales t...


  It seems the vaccination program is going well and I should get mine a few weeks I am not too sure if I want it but if it stops me getting too ill then I guess I will.  I am not too sure the fact the program is going well makes up for the mistakes that have happened in the this crisis but I guess that will be sorted out. It seems they are reluctant to losen the restrictions now even though the numbers are going down of deaths etc.  It will be strange having traffic back on the road when it happnes I guess It has been a miserable day weather wise. I bought something off ebay the other day and was hoping it would arrive yesterday but the chap has given the wrong email address so I have to cancel and take the money back and it will arrive in y account at some point but in the mean time the chap has posted the thing I wanted so fair enough it has  been a positive encounter so far these things happnen. It has not been possible to go out today due to the awful weather th...


It is very cold today infact its freezing as it was yesterday but its dry I guess. i have started to put some seeds out for the birds as they might struggle to find food in this hard ground but so far they are not that interested.  I bought a big bag of seeds they were not expesive but they need eating I guess I had a chat about the fact that a guy threw his foodbank stuff in the bin yesterday some thought it might be because if he refused the stuff in the foodbank he might feel he might not get help again its a very difficult situation I guess suppose. This restrictions lark has been reallyj difficult due to not having a job to go to as it would have given me a routine and social contact but there it is its been really tough due to all the problmes with the restictions and the blunt instrument of the restrictions causing untold damage on aspects of society.  It is hard to recall if ever such ignorance was used to attend to a situation. I guess its all about he status of healt...


 I took a little hand held recorder up to the hill in the centre of the villlage earlier and my phone recorded this video, the recorder is connected to the phone with an usb connection I thought the recorder wuold capture how quiet it is in the village during the latest round of restrictions due to the virus. I doubt it will be this quiet this time next year when this whole thing is finally over I still think its unreal all this pandemic stuff but it is gojng on.  On an usual thursday afternoon it would be a lot busier than this obviously          


  I still find it a bit bewildering that I am caught up in a pandemic that the world is in a pandemic and if the people trying to get us out of this situation are the same I guess its not and easy task.  We are experiencing what no has experienced for over a hundred years it came from nowhere well except it came from China apparently This is another day of restrictions where businesses are shut down and the like I am not too sure if these measures have any impact on on the spread of the virus, there are things like the rate of infection which tells us what is going on but on the other side there is is the testing regime lower testing lower infection rate being detected its very difficult to understand the numbers and graphs especially when they are not that accessible Today is the day I go and date some stuff in the foodbank again it gets me out of the house I suppose though its dry at the moment so I guess I could go out for a walk.  I wonder if anyone reads these posts ...