
Showing posts from August, 2011

Music technology

I rang for some inforamtion regarding a college course a few days ago, they said it would arrive the next day, after I rang. I am not that bothered really I guess I just want to be able to record my own songs, the course is music techonology, I don't want all the other gumph.  I met a friend today who I had not seen for years, and I can't actually remember how long it is since I saw her, it can't be 20 years, like she seemed to be suggesting, but maybe it is. I told her she had not changed, she answered dryly, she hoped she had, I guess I was nervous as I used to like her a bit, but was never able to get a date with her, which was a bit depressing at the time.

Getting wet on Sel's walk

I went for a walk today with a few people ended up in the mud again and now I am knackered I will probably go againt tomorrow as its probably good for me to get out there and stomp the hills for a few hours. I am a bit fed up I got my boots wet though, I have an alternative pair but they are not as good as the ones I got wet today, i will take them and see what happens, if I get wet again then so be it, I guess its only a bit of rain.


So they have decided to close the toilet here in the village, which in my estimation is a really stupid thing to do, this morning a lady stopped and asked me where it was I told her it was closed, she had to go the next town to get one, also people urinate in the in bus shelter and also apparently in the street as they find that the toilet is gone, this is a step back into the dark ages when there was no sanitation to be had, people will always want to go the loo.


I got up early this morning, as I had gone to bed a bit early last night. I went to get a haircut this afternoon and baught a new pair of trainers.  Just noticed my cousine is badgering me to get married.

hangover again

I have a slight hangover this morning, drank more than I had planned, so now I have no money to buy some milk, so I will have to make what I have last until tomorrow.  I have found a streaming site to watch Stoke v Chelsea, its not very clear and it keeps going off and new streams keep coming along, the latest one has a French commentry, but I guess I have the pictures, which are not clearly but they are free, which is the main thing.


So its been about a month now since I finished my computer course which reminded me how much I like learning, so I guess I need to find something else to learn so I can carry on the momentum, its not that easy though as I am a bit too far away from colleges here or any kind of educational estabilshment.  I guess if I can't get a job learning would be the way to go, just keep my mind occupied I guess I am not having any success in any other ffield.

'four eyes'

Apparently this insult is still used today, to put down people who wear glasses, I was being called it 40 years ago, I would have thought that it would died a death by now really as it the whole thing does not make any sense at all, four eyes??? I wish I had one eye that worked properly never mind 4.


I had planned to go for a walk with a group of people today, but I woke up not feeling very well, so I did not bother. I managed to feel a bit better by the middle of the morning so I went for a swim, the only problem was that the pool was really full so I did not hang around too long.


I managed to cut the grass tonight, I am fed up of getting my feet wet walking in the long grass in the garden.  The grass was not completely dry, I think its better to cut it if its dry, but it had to do as you have to grab your chance these days between the shitty rainy days. I spent the afternoon in Caernarfon, not sure I went there I don't even like the place. I tried to take the posters for the disco on saturday back to the pub, but it was closed, I could not find anywhere to put them up as someone had been before me, I guess they can use them again just put a label on them with the date of the next disco, if there is one, I just hope this one is success, and a success to me means no trouble I guess and a place full of happy people.


I am writing this post from a computer room which has been teaching computers here for  few years and is now apparently closing down.  which is a shame as it takes away the opportunity for people to get some sort of qulification.  It is very muggy weatherwise today.  I am contemplating going to the eisteddford at some point this week but I can't decide which day would be best to go on and how I am going to get there.  I thought I could get there by train but its going to take way too long