

 I went for a walk the other day and we came across ths lake which had some ducks in it , the ducks came out of the lake and did not seem to be nervous of people.  It seems someone put the ducks in the lake after hand rearing them for a while, they probably got fe or moved or something the ducks look ok so are surviving I am not sure where the ducks come from though I doubt they  are native to this island in  in fact someone said they had seen some of this type of duck in Crete while they were there I am not sure if they were telling the truth or not.  I guess if they breed they will become native, i am not sure what sex either of the ducks are, I guess time will tell if they are able to thrive or not. I think they ae kept alive by huthemans helping out to in feeding them like we did the other day.  The walk was very nice anwy and I look forward to the next one tbiough I have looked on the websire and there does not seem to be another one arranged, I though...

community pub issues

I am worried about the pub down the road, staff are leaving and other off sick, not sure how the place will be run, one of the staff leaving is the licensee, and there is a danger that the person doing the job before might end up doing it again, he is not a responsible person though I think its posssible for the committee to be licencee so then the the responsiblity is shared, I think the other problems can be over come really there is always people looking for a new challenge ai guess   It would be a travesty if the place was not able to go on. I would have to find somewhere else to go for a drink which would be a pain in the arse After talking to someone there seems to be enough money to run it for another bad winter which hopefully won't happen so I can stop worrying for a while. There are vacancies in the pub which the men running it are determind to fill with men which is not good as the people who are being overlooked might leave and then they will be in bother as these peopl...


 **The Journey of the Violin** In a small, dusty workshop in Cremona, Italy, an old luthier named Giovanni carefully carved the final details into a violin. Its maple wood gleamed under the lamplight, and its strings hummed with promise. "You will sing for many," he whispered, as if blessing the instrument. He named it *Aurora*, for the dawn it seemed to embody. The first owner was a young prodigy named Sofia. She played *Aurora* in grand concert halls across Europe, her fingers dancing over the strings. The violin became an extension of her soul, its melodies soaring like birds in flight. But tragedy struck when Sofia fell ill, and the violin was sold to pay for her care. Next, *Aurora* found itself in the hands of a traveling minstrel named Luca. He carried it through villages, playing lively folk tunes at fairs and weddings. The violin's voice brought joy to peasants and nobles alike, though its varnish grew worn from the road. Luca, too, passed it on when age stiffene...

tree planting

I have just read a book on sheep, and it seems from the epilougue there will be less in Wales in the future and there will be more trees around, which makes sense really, there is some land that is owned by the crown estate somwhow, that use to be golf course which once shut and then opened again it will not open again, so now trees should be allowed to grow on but  I am sure the dumb farmers won't allow that as they want their sheep to graze on it,  a woodland there would be nice though its rough and sparce right now. There were tress given out a while back but I am sure they are all gone now but if I did plant some I am sure the farmer would take them out as they like that, hopefully one day there will be trees there but i doubt I will be around to see that  Above a pic of a dogwood tree I was given a couple of years ago, some information about dogwoeed trees; Dogwood trees are a beautiful addition to any landscape. They are known for their stunning spring blossoms, whi...

school violence

I saw another photo taken at my primary school in the early 1960s I showed it to a couple of poeople who were there and they recalled the violence that was infllicted on them by these 'teachers' come bullies.  This violence has been outlawed now thankfully and it will be interesting to see what kind of society that will create, I won't be here to find out but it has to be a good thing that violenee by adults on children has been stopped, the abuse must have had an impact on the kind of society we live in today and might have something to do with all the wars.  I am assuming here of course that all societies are going this way, the abhorrence of strangers abusing someone's kids in the name of discipline is disgusting really.   Some had to put up with the violence at home and at school which must have made for a horrific childhood really. There are other means of abuse and I am assuming the other forms of abuse still go on in schools such as teachers ignoring bullying,...

New Year

  Well we had a different new years eve last night, there was power outage, this was the second in few weeks there seems to be a lot on this line as parts of the village rarely get affected, its a nuisance, I call this street power cut street, we should be paying less standing charge, which is extortion anyway. There was a huge roar in the pub when the electric came back and everyone could pay for their drinks the tills could not work obviously.   I did not see the new year in in the pub I came home for that as I had gone out earlier to get warm in the pub  Basically it was shit end to shit year where health issues have made life a bit difficult for me, those issues are still around so they have the potential to make this year just as shit I guess, hopefully that won't happen I seemed to be the oldest in the pub by the time it was time to go home except for  a neighbour who is a few months older than me, anyway it has gone now, I guess and we have move on  ...


I went out for a stroll earlier. but it turned into a bit of a nightmare. Really. I walked along the main road. which I hadn't done since the lockdowns. But thought it's the other road is probably quiet. Being that it's Christmas Day. But it wasn't that quiet, so it was OK, I had a chat with a farmer on the way. I had never met him before. I never knew he had sheep locally. I was not too keen about getting. home so. I decided to extend to extend the walk. going down the path switch. I haven't been for a while. It was very muddy. and the shoes that I wore. were not as good as I thought they were. And probably I am not fit. as I was. So I was struggling on the paths a bit. Even having to resort. to using the mobile phone to help me. It did not help that my glasses were steaming up all the time. I got quite deep in. mud in one place and. now the shoes are just filthy I hope I haven't spoiled them.  There were also. trees? in the way which had been blown down in the...